Hello Empathic Souls,
I’m Kristen!

I’m so glad you are here!

Chances are if you have stumbled upon this page, you are ready to take the next step in your spiritual journey.

As an empath, you have the ability to sense what people around you are thinking and feeling. As a result, the outside world might be quick to label you as “sensitive” or “overly emotional”. But in reality, this is not what this is. This sensitivity comes from a mystical gift that – when managed – gives you the ability to heal the collective.

The first step is deciding you are WORTH it and then embracing all that the universe has in store for you.

As you take that first step, I am here to support you. Learn how to:

  • Awaken your empathic gifts and decode your soul contract
  • Rewire the limiting beliefs that keep you stuck
  • Heal your shadow self and use it to brighten your light
  • Calm your over-sensitized nervous system
  • Build the soul-led life that you were created for. The world needs who you were made to be.

About Me

My name is Kristen Hall, and I am a Spiritual Guide and Healer for Empaths ready to embark on their soul journey!

My certifications include:
– Life and Success Coaching
– Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
– T.I.M.E techniques
– Clinical Hypnotherapy
– Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
– Reiki 1 & 2
– Akashic Records Healer

In addition to being certified in the above modalities, I also come from a place of personal experience when it comes to my coaching method – because I too am an empath. It hasn’t always been an easy road to navigate because I was never taught how to process my empathic gift. In fact, my “sensitivity” was often viewed as a negative trait by those closest to me. I didn’t understand how this was a gift, and I struggled on how to separate other people’s energies from mine. This led me to use a variety of negative coping mechanisms to numb myself out of feeling anything.

My goal as a healer/coach is to change that pattern for others. I want to educate, empower, and embrace that special being that you are so you have the knowledge and confidence to fully embrace your sensitive superpower.

You are worthy of going ALL IN.
So, let’s talk about how I can help:

1:1 Coaching Sessions

Healing is a lifelong journey, but it is one you do not have to do alone.

The minimum package is a three-month commitment, which includes a one-hour coaching/healing session each week with a FREE consult call. I have discounted the packages until the end of 2023 so it comes out to be less than $50 a session. The reason for this three-month commitment (rather than month to month) is to ensure we have enough time to cover all the necessary bases for a strong foundation of healing. After that, you can decide to continue on month to month or with another three-months. Payment plans are available on a need basis.

To apply for one-on-one coaching, please click here. Once you apply and are accepted, you will receive an email to set up a free 1 hour consultation call (no strings attached); that way we both feel comfortable moving forward.

A-La-Carte Healing Sessions

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